
By 时代数字趋势2021-11-22

许多人对于“BWL” 这个网络用语十分熟悉,但这个词在日常的对话中依然没有被广泛使用。

本篇文章将说明 BWL 英文缩写的中文意思、起源和其他意涵,另外也会有其他对话範例来帮助你更了解这个词的意涵。最后也会提供你一些可以替代使用的同义词。

  • BWL 英文缩写的中文意思
  • BWL 英文缩写的起源
  • BWL 英文缩写的其他含意
  • BWL 英文缩写的对话範例
    • 1. 两个朋友的简讯对话
    • 2. Facebook 用户的线上对话
  • BWL 英文缩写的同义词

BWL 英文缩写的中文意思

通常这是“bursting with laughter.”,哄堂大笑的意思,另外LOL (laughing out loud,大笑) 或 LMAO (laughing my ass off,笑掉我的屁股)。


BWL 英文缩写的起源



BWL 英文缩写的其他含意

和其他缩写词一样,这个词也同时有其他意思,例如:“Body Weight Loss,” (减重)、“Broadband Wireless Loop,”(无限本地环路)、 “Biological Warfare Laboratory,”(生物战实验室)、“Beer Wine and Liquor,”(啤酒、红酒和其他酒)或是 “Broadband and Wireless.”(无线宽频),还有其他许多意涵无法在这里全数列出。


BWL 英文缩写的对话範例

1. 两个朋友的简讯对话

  • Friend 1: OMG! I am BWL!


  • Friend 2: Why!?


  • Friend 1: I was watchingAmerica’s Funniest Home Videos and there was a baby tasting a lemon for the first time. The Faces he made were hilarious!


  • Friend 2: LOL!



2. Facebook 用户的线上对话

  • User 1:What does BWL mean? I saw it as a response to someone yesterday and it’s a new one I have never seen before.


  • User 2: It’s just another way of saying LOL It means something is funny and it stands for bursting with laughter.


  • User 1: Oh, okay! I was like why would someone say bowl in response to what was going on. I was so confused LOL!



BWL 英文缩写的同义词

你也可以用LOL, LMAO, ROFLMAO, 这些缩写来替代BWL,或是:

  • I burst out laughing.,我噗疵一笑
  • ROFL(Rolling on the floor laughing).,我笑得满地滚
  • It made me laugh.,这让我笑了
  • It was amusing.,这真有趣
  • It was comical.,这真滑稽
  • It was humorous.,这也太幽默
  • It was priceless.,这真是无价
  • LMBO (laughing my butt off).,笑掉我的屁股
  • I couldn’t stop laughing.,我笑到停不下来
  • LML (laughing mad aloud).,哄堂大笑
  • It cracks me up.,我笑到崩溃
  • LMAO (Laughing my ass off).,笑掉我的屁股
  • LMFAO(A more obscene form of LMAO).笑到我的屁股的进阶版
  • It had me dying of laughter.,我快要笑死了
  • It was side-splitting.,这好笑透顶了
  • It’s funny how.,怎么可以这么好笑
  • It’s hilarious.,怎么这么荒唐
未经允许不得转载:时代数字趋势 » BWL缩写的中文意思、起源、同义词和对话範例
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